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Cats are well known for constantly keeping up with their daily routine of grooming their face and paws. However, there are other areas they can not reach that require a tidy cleaning as well. Unfortunately, while most people recognize a dog’s need to be groomed, often the cat is overlooked.

There are many important reasons for grooming your cat. Brushing your cat is a prime opportunity to check for fleas and ticks. A regular grooming can also be an essential asset for catching thus problem before it becomes an all out infestation. Another reason to brush and comb your cat is that this process helps remove dirt and debris he may not have been able to reach himself. There are many irritants and other items you don’t want resting on your cat’s skin as well as other debris you would not want him to ingest.

The last reason grooming is such an essential part of your cats care, is that it removes loose hairs from his coat. These loose hairs can end up inside a cat’s stomach and are not always easily digested. Hair that is not digested becomes what is known as a Hairball. On occasion, your cat may be able to cough it up, but more often, these matted, mucus hairballs become lodged in the intestinal tract, creating very serious problems.

Contrary to what most people might think, cats actually enjoy being groomed. To make this process easier, introducing your cat when he is a kitten to brushes and combs will make the experience much more comfortable for you and your cat.

To brush your cat properly, start by gently running the brush or comb through your cat’s fur following the grain. Always start with the back of the neck and work your way down to the tail. If you are first starting with a kitten, and he starts to become irritated, stop brushing. Use a soothing, calming voice as you play and pet him. This will help get the kitten back into a more agreeable and relaxed state to continue the grooming process. Always remember, never to use a comb or a brush near the cats face or eyes. They do not like this and it can prevent them from being comfortable the next time you try brushing him.

In an instance where a cat does not enjoy being brushed with a brush or comb, there is another alternative. A useful tool called a grooming glove is a great way to make your cat think he is only receiving a relaxing and luxurious massage, when in fact this glove is gently removing loose hair, dirt and debris from his coat. You may also find that cats do not mind having their faces groomed with the gentle glove as well. However, some cats still won’t allow you to groom their paws.

Another important part of the grooming process, besides brushing is examining your cat’s eyes and ears. The eyes should be clear and free of debris. If debris is found in the corners, a damp, warm, soft cloth can gently remove it. The ears should be clean and reflect a pink healthy hue. If you find that your cat’s ears contain, blackish colored dirt, this may be a sign of ear mites. These mites can cause the ears to be tender and over time will begin to shrivel the ears causing your cat to lose his hearing. If you believe your cat has ear mites, it is best to visit a veterinarian. He can prescribe medicine that should clear it up if caught in time.

The next step in giving your cat a healthy grooming is to check his claws if they have not been removed. A pair of special pet nail clippers will help you remove the long curved tip, although be careful not to cut to far back and nick the quick. This is the part of the nail that contains blood vessels and when cut, will bleed and be very painful for your cat. Trimming your cat’s nails will not only prevent them from catching on things and potentially breaking off, but it will also protect you and your possessions from scratch damage.

Teeth are another very important thing to remember when grooming your cat. As cats age, they are highly prone to dental problems which can cause severe illness. A fingertip toothbrush and some specially flavored pet toothpaste worked gently over your cat’s teeth, once a week is essential in preventing any future dental problems.

Lastly, you should try to implement a grooming schedule for your cat once a week. Anyone who owns a long haired cat may want to brush him twice a week as they are prone to becoming matted. If matting and gnarled hair has occurred, the best answer is to have your cat shaved. This must be done in a veterinarian’s office as cats do not like the sound of the clippers and must be put under sedation. This can be a truly traumatic experience for your cat, so a regular grooming routine at home will keep your cat happy and healthy while also keeping his coat clean, smooth and tangle free.

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For many, understanding the reasons behind why cats need to scratch has remained an elusive mystery. From the wild cats of the jungle to the domesticated feline companion, scratching has been a means for survival. This predisposed instinct has unfortunately led to the untimely demise of our sofas, window screens, curtains and walls. In order to decide what the best methods for alleviating this problem are, you must first understand why it is done.

In the wilds of the mighty jungle, it was necessary for cats to be mighty hunters in order to survive. Cats instinctively used their claws as a means for support for climbing trees, giving them the opportunity to pounce on their unsuspecting prey. Razor sharp claws were required for hunting as well as fending off other predators. Today, the domesticated cat does not have to depend on their skills as a hunter as their food bowls are always full. However, the instincts to keep their nails hunter ready are still there.

Not only is the act of scratching a way to sharpen claws, it is also a way to trim them as well. In addition, cat scratching is significant in that it is used for the purposes of marking territory. When cats scratch a surface or object, they are also releasing a chemical that is marking their scent, letting other area cats, whether in the same household or general location know that this is their territory. Scratching is also a great way for cats to work out any muscle tension they may have or as a means to release excess energy.

The most common and frequently used method for deterring cats from scratching and damaging our possessions is to have them de-clawed. However, this method does require your cat to undergo anesthesia which comes with some minor risks. Before you make the decision to de-claw, there are other alternatives available for consideration.

Scratching posts are an excellent choice for giving your cat his own personal area to scratch. They are available at pet stores and online. They can come as part of a fancy cat condo or as single models in many colors and styles. A scratching post can also be cost effective as it is a simple project you can create yourself. All that is required is a two foot tall section of a four by four combined with a two foot by two foot section of durable plywood and a small piece of carpeting.

Another inexpensive item available for cat scratching is scratching mats. Regardless of which you choose it is important that you place it as close to your cat’s favorite scratching area at first. After your cat has become accustomed to using the post instead of your furniture or walls, gradually move it away from those areas.

Another option for discouraging your cat from scratching where you don’t him too is by using a pet repellant spray. All that is required is a quick spray on the area you wish your cat to stay away from. This product, most commonly referred to as Bitter Apple spray, is an unpleasant tasting liquid that gets on their paws after scratching and they do not like the taste.

Although this method is effective, it is wise to test a small area of carpet or upholstery to ensure the repellant does not alter the material in any way. Some additional helpful hints include wrapping the areas in aluminum foil or placing tape on the area, sticky side up. Cats definitely do not like anything sticking to their paws.

As a final result, many people have tried using nail caps. Just as a manicurist would place faux nails on your fingers, these caps are placed on a previously filed down nail using a pet friendly adhesive. Of course, just as faux nails do, these caps also tend to fall off.

If you have tried every alternative and your cat still can not break this habit, surgery may be the only answer. Weighing the positives and negatives to each of the methods, along with consulting a veterinarian will help you make the right decision for both you and your cat.